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Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery > Volume 37(5); 1994 > Article
Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1994;37(5): 961-9.
Analysis of Anatomic Structures and Patterns of Chronic Paranasal Sinusitis in Ostiomeatal Unit CT
Sung Wan Kim, MD, Yul Gwan Lee, MD, Sung Mahn Lee, MD, and Kwang Il Kim, MD
Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Kangnam General Hospital, Public Corporation, Seoul, Korea
부비동 검색 전산화 단층 촬영을 이용한 비·부비동의 해부학적 구조 및 부비동염의 분류에 관한 분석
김성완 · 이율관 · 이성만 · 김광일
지방공사 강남병원 이비인후과

Ostiomeatal unit(OMU) CT is widely accepted for endoscopic sinus surgery. Various anatomic findings that is seen in the OMU CT are essential in preoperative evaluation. Patterns of sinusitis are relatively good indicator for prognosis. We reviewed the 80 cases, 160 sides of OMU CT for analysis of anatomic structures and patterns of sinusitis, and report as follows : 1) The main type of olfactory fossa was type II (80%). 2) The most frequent site of insertion of uncinate process was lamina papyracea(56.9%). 3) The incidence of anatomic variation was as follows : Haller's cell(5%), concha bullosa(13.8%), paradoxically bent middle turbinate(3.8%), dehiscent lamina papyracea(2.5%), and double middle turbinate(1.3%). 4) The number of septum of frontal and sphenoid sinuses was 1 in 60% and 47.5%, respectively. 5) Type of pneumatization of sphenoid sinus was distributed as follows : sellar(68.7%), presellar(25%), conchal(6.3%). 6) The incidence of patterns of sinusitis was as follows : sinonasal polyposis(44.2%), OMU(33.3%), infundibular(11.6%), sporadic(8%), sphenoethmoidal recess(2.9%). 

Keywords: OMU CTAnatomic findingsPatterns of sinusitis.
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