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Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery > Volume 19(3); 1976 > Article
Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1976;19(3): 75-8.
Two Cases of Huge Choanal Polyp
Seung Ryong Sul, MD
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Busan Armed Forces General Hospital, Korea
巨大한 後鼻孔鼻茸의 2例
國軍釜山統合病院 耳鼻咽候科

Two cases of the huge choanal polyp in soldiers are to be presented with brief literatures. Choanal polyp is single and usually occurs during the first two decades, most commonly the second decade. Etiology of the polyp was variable and can be on the basis of infection, trauma, allergy, or thermal change. The chief complaints were nasal obstruction and foreign body sensation in the nasopharynx. Case 1 : The polyp weighing 25 gm was removed under the general anesthesia by means of transoral approach. Histopathological examination proved to be inflammatory polyp. Case 2 : The polyp weighing 30 gm was removed and proved to be fibrous polyp. 

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