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Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery > Volume 13(4); 1970 > Article
Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 1970;13(4): 29-33.
Clinical Survey of Posttonsillectomy Hemorrhage
Hyun Soo Kim, MD, Kyung Ok Kim, MD, Sam Soo Choi, MD, and Jong Mo Kim, MD
Department of Otolaryngology, Seoul Choong Boo. City Hospital, Korea
扁桃腺摘出手術後出血의 臨床的 考察
金顯洙 · 金京玉 · 崔三洙 · 金宗模

Authors have studied and presented 23 cases of posttonsillectomy hemorrhage out of 336 cases of tonsilloadenoidectomy those were performed on an outpatient basis for the past two years, and compared with the references on this problem. Posttonsillectomy hemorrhage rate was 6.8% as a whole male was 14 cases (60%), and female was 9 cases (40%). Age group between 21 and 30 years of age showed the highest incidence ; 8 cases (35.6%) in spite of more tonsillectomy cases done under 10 years of age. Seasonally in summer, more hemorrhage cases were present because of more tonsillectomies done for the students vacation period. Right side had more cases than the left side without any special reason. Primary hemorrhage (which means immediate hemorrhage that occurred within 24 hours from tonsillectomy) rate was 3% (10 cases) and secondary hemorrhage (which means late hemorrhage that occurred after 24 hours from tonsillectomy) rate was 3.8% (13 cases). Particularly among the secondary hemorrhage cases, at about 6th & 7th day from tonsillectomy, more hemorrhage cases were present. This might be due to sloughing off the scab unnaturally by some irritative reasons instead of natural course, authors think. The time of hemorrhage was at night in the most cases ; this may be due to the relaxation of muscles and blood vessels of the operated wound at this time. Fortunately there were no severe hemorrhage and dangerous case in all cases ; the hemorrhage was not much and they were completely stopped by the routine and simple methods. No other posttonsillectomy complication was present.

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