Clinical Characteristics of Patients Diagnosed with Odontogenic Maxillary Sinusitis through the Consultation with Dentistry
Sangjun Kim, Daeyeon Kim, Sang Hoo Park, Woo Yong Bae
Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg. 2020;63(6):259-264.   Published online 2020 Jun 18     DOI:
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Odontogenic complications in the maxillary sinus on the background of chronic periodontitis
Yu. A. Generalova, P. S. Konstantinova, A. Ashrf, A. V. Zoryan, A. S. Karnaeva, Kh. O. Omarova, I. A. Voronov
Endodontics Today.2021; 18(4): 50.     CrossRef